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文章来源:IMART创意市集 重要度:高 发表日期:2009年6月15日 星期一
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测试条件是 IIS + .NET 在浏览器中打开 exploit.html 点击按钮“fire”。

未装“绿坝”返回错误:Bad Request - Invalid URL,HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid。



Green Dam remote buffer overflow exploit

"Green Dam" is a software used for monitoring and anti-pornography, popularizing by
Chinese goverment. After July 1st, it will be forced to install on all new Chinese PCs.
Now it already has 50 million copies in China.
In order to monitor the URL that user is exploring, Green Dam injected the browser
process. When Green Dam is trying to handle a long URL, a stack overflow will occur in the
browser process.
This exploit can be used for exploitation on IE, on those computers installed Green Dam.
I used the .net binary to deploy shellcode, for it`s more stable than Heap Spray, and able
to bypass DEP and ASLR on Vista.
The exploit page contains a .net control, so it should be published on IIS.


# milw0rm.com [2009-06-12]

为了监视用户的浏览网页行为,绿坝注入了IE进程,在处理超长的URL时,就会在IE的进程空间中触发一个典型的栈溢出。具体原理可以看看密歇根大学的牛人们给出的分析http://www.cse.umich.edu/~jhalderm/pub/gd/, 不错的学校...

Exploit中使用了.net部署 shellcode的方式,(BlackHat2008上公布的那招),这是一种比HeapSpray更稳定的方式,而且不卡IE,还能绕过Vista下的DEP和ASLR., 懒得写生成器了,我给出的利用程序shellcode是弹出Windows XP sp2 的计算器,所以更接近一个PoC,要换shellcode的话需要手动改下.net中的shellcode,然后用VS重新编译 exploit.dll,这也算是防止被菜鸟们滥用的一个小小的门槛吧...(源文件在下载文件的src目录内)

Tips1:由于带有.net控件,这个 exploit必须在IIS上发布(需要服务器装有.net framework,IIS不需要特别的设置),直接点开是不行的。

Tips2:具体的编译方式放在附件中了,只要你有VS开发环境打开Visual Studio 2005 命令提示,复制粘贴就可以...

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